CPCECPR Seminar: Writing a Winning Grant Proposal for Pedagogical Research

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventOrganising a conference, workshop, ...


The RGC’s Panel Reflective Reports highlight the crucial features of an effective FDS proposal: (i) clear research objectives, (ii) a solid theoretical framework and (iii) a rigorous research design with promising research impact. To support colleagues’ developing their FDS proposals and achieving the above features, the 2-hour writing workshop will focus first on the winning “strategies” 心法 (Dr On-ting Lo), and then on the effective writing “practices” 手法 (Dr Eric Cheung).

In the first section, Dr Lo will share practical strategies for developing a viable research idea and a feasible research design for framing the project. He will also explain the overall structuring of a successful proposal. These strategies are helpful when the proposals seek to identify under-studied subject matters, address a pertinent research issue with laser focus, and test hypotheses and innovative methodologies.

In the second section, Dr Cheung will elucidate the common language choices in 11 successfully funded FDS proposals across the four divisions. Through a corpus-based approach, the workshop focuses on two main proposal sections: research rationale and methods, in which proposers “claim a research warrant” (Hood, 2010) and outline research activities to achieve the objectives. The use of the investigated features in the pedagogy-related proposals is further examined, in order to shed light upon the organisation and negotiation of disciplinary concepts, arguments and gaps. The linguistic strategies are expected to enhance persuasiveness and increase the potential of proposals being funded.
Period19 Dec 2022
Event typeSeminar