I took up the role of subject leader of the course SHDH2015 Gender Issues in 2020/21 summer semester and 2021/22 semester 1 and 2 (total around 200 students for the first semester and around 400 students in 2020/21) managing a team with one visiting lecturer and one full-time staff. Due to the cancellation of mid-term test and change of presentation medium in both semesters of 2021/22, I was responsible for drafting the questions for additional assignments, revising the guidelines for the course assignments and managing different situations that happened in the subject team. I also visited the visiting lecturer’ class and shared my observation on her teaching. Moreover, I organized an online workshop with a local transgender organization in each semester. The workshop was organized for students who are interested in writing their final paper on reflecting their understanding of transgender people. The comments from the students were positive. Most of them said that it was a good activity since it allows them to understand more about sexual minority in Hong Kong.