The Core Features of MAXQDA: a Software to be Transparent and Reflexive Researchers

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Using a Computer-assisted (or aided) qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) offers tools and opportunities which enhance the rigour and trustworthiness of our research practices. This is especially important for qualitative methodologies which normally entail large datasets and a range of data sources. Using a software of this kind will not only facilitate our methodological procedures but it will also enhance our ability to be reflexive researchers. Reflexivity refers to the researcher’s ability to analyse their positionality within the research process and, in turn, understand how their presence and actions affect the research phenomena and outcomes. This can often be associated with the notions of transparency and audit trail in qualitative research practice. A software of this kind is conducive to creating the conditions for transparent, reliable, and reflexive research. In this talk, I will present the core features of MAXQDA and demonstrate their meaningful use through a study about Chinese students studying abroad. The study embraced a narrative methodology and relied upon a large dataset for each participant in the study. This presentation will show that MAXQDA is a very user-friendly software which supports the complex and convoluted processes of qualitative research.
Period13 Jan 2023
Event typeWorkshop