Projects per year
Personal profile
Personal profile
Phoebe Siu is a lecturer at College of Professional and Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Siu is a doctoral candidate (English Language Education) at The University of Hong Kong. Her doctoral thesis investigates the potentials and challenges in promoting a heterglossic approach to content and language integrated learning (CLIL) for Public Relations Writing in EMI higher education. Prior to her doctoral study in English language education, Siu has completed her M. Phil. thesis on Histories and Fictions in post-colonial Hong Kong contexts, her M.S.Sc. training in Corporate Communication, School of Journalism and Communication, along with her MEd. thesis on Language across the Curriculum in EMI higher education, focusing on the curricular and pedagogical connects and disconnects in EAP classrooms designed for Healthcare and Nursing tertiary students in Hong Kong.
Since 2015 till now, Siu has completed research projects, focusing on multimodalities, translanguaging, trans-semiotizing, critical semiotic awareness, critical English for Academic Purposes (EAP), language across the curriculum (LAC), content and language integrated learning (CLIL), and English-as-the-medium of instructions (EMI) higher education. Her conference papers were accepted at international academic conferences, e.g., ISFC44, ISFC45, SS23, HKCPD2021, EAC2021, AAAL2021, AERA2021 and AILA2021.
In 2016-18, Siu contributed as a co-investigator (Co-I) for a 2-year SCOLAR-funded research project led by Dr Esther Ka-man Tong, supporting an adjunct model of programme-based language across the curriculum research and pedagogical designs for EMI higher education.
Since 2019 till now, Siu has been a postgraduate researcher in the Translanguaging-Trans-semiotizing Research Group developed by Prof. Angel M. Y. Lin. The research group has launched an online social media platform for connecting international researchers and scholars to co-develop a cross-disciplinary research community of practice among emergent researchers and established scholars through various forms of virtual and physical academic interviews and seminar sessions in applied linguistics and educational linguistics. Siu is also a regular registered member in some international and local research/ special interest groups, ranging from AERA-SIG G (Semiotics in Education), ESERA-SIG 6 (Science Literacy and Eduation), CPCE-RIG for Multimdoalities and Pedagogies, to CPCE-RIG for Education and Sustainability Development.
Siu has single-authored and co-authored refereed conference proceedings, special issue journal publications and academic book chapters for supporting scholarship in systemic functional linguistics, translanguaging, trans-semiotizing, creativity, Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education (ICLHE), EMI higher education and CLIL in Hong Kong and Asian contexts.
Regional and International Conference Presentations (blind reviewed and competitively selected) in 2021
- Siu, P. (2021, August). Symposium on Language Inequality.
World Congress of Applied Linguistics 2021 [AILA2021] – Virtual Mode – livestream presentation hosting city: Groningen, the Netherlands
- Siu, P. (2021, May). Crossing boundaries through multimodal EAC/ CLIL: Critical semiotic awareness in Chemistry laboratory report composition. [Individual Paper] The 3rd International Conference on English across the Curriculum. [Virtual modes]
- Siu, P. (2021, May). An EAC Perspective to Raise Social Semiotic Awareness among Teachers and Students in Social Sciences. [Colloquium Panel Paper 4] – Tong, E., Xuan, W., Tao, K., & Siu, P. Collaborative Praxis in a Language-across-the-curriculum Course: Impactful Dialogues about Multimodal Social Science Discourses. The 3rd International Conference on English across the Curriculum. [Virtual modes]
- Siu, P., Chen, Q. & Lin, A.M.Y., (2021, June). [Paper 5] "Unsettling issues in language assessment 5. Heteroglossic Approaches to Connecting Assessment and Learning: Breaking the Monoglossic norms in a Public Relations Writing Course in Hong Kong.” Symposium Panel at Sociolinguistics Symposium (SS23) on "Unsettling issues in language assessment". [Virtual modes]
- Siu, P. (2021, June). Co-developing Critical/ Semiotic/ Language Awareness in LSP: A MEC Approach for Multimodal Design Board Composition. [Individual Paper] The 6th Asia-Pacific Languages for Specific Purposes & Professional Communication Association (the LSPPC6) - Online Conference on Multimodality and Beyond: Addressing complexity and emerging needs in LSP.
- Siu, P. (2021, April). [Paper 4] Challenges and Potentials in CLIL Curriculum Genre Design and Assessment Alignment: A Teacher-researcher Perspective. Equipping teachers with educational responsibility awareness for a heteroglossic approach to CLIL [Symposium Panel Session for Division K] – Teaching and Teacher Education]. Virtual American Educational Research [AERA] Annual Meeting.
- Siu, P. (2021, April). [Paper 1] A Social Semiotic Awareness Raising Approach: Co-designing EAP Assessment, Teaching and Learning Activities during Covid-19. [Symposium Panel Session for SIG G Semiotics in Education: Social Semiotics, New Materiality and Multimodal Composing]. Virtual American Educational Research Association [AERA] Annual Meeting.
- Siu, P. (2021, March). Reframing Languaging and Social Interaction in CLIL: The Multimodalities-Entextualisation Cycle in Public Relations Writing. [Individual Paper] American Association for Applied Linguistics [AAAL] Annual Conference. [Virtual modes]
- Siu, P. (2021, January). Emotion Labour in group project-based academic essay writing. [Individual Paper] HKCPD Hub Virtual International Conference 2021: "Innovative teaching and research in English language education"
Academic Publications in Progress for 2021-2023
(invited special issue journal publication and academic book chapters)
Research Book Chapter Project 1:
Current trends in EMI and Multimodality in Higher Education (tentative title)
Published in Routledge Series in Language and Content Integrated Teaching & Plurilingual Education.
Authors: Phoebe Siu (the first-author), Esther Tong and Winfred Xuan (co-authors)
Research Book Chapter Project 2:
English-Medium Instruction Practices in Higher Education: International Perspectives
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Authors: Phoebe Siu (College of Professional and Continuing Education, Hong Kong) and Angel M. Y. Lin (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
This chapter reports a study engaged by the first author to try out the translanguaging (TL) and trans-semiotizing (TS) approach in facilitating the flow of creativity and ideas in an EMI course in a college in Hong Kong. Special attention is paid to how some plurilingual teachers and students in Hong Kong readily exercise their creative, trans-semiotic agency through mobilizing and orchestrating their multiple semiotic resources. The chapter concludes with the proposal of a socioculturally transformative pedagogical framework for EMI higher education with an integrated focus on creativity, multimodality, and linguistic agency.
Research Book Chapter Project 3
Book Chapter Title:
"Reclaiming a plurilingual voice in EMI classrooms A ‘MEC’ approach to CLIL in Hong Kong higher education"
(in-progress; details to be updated)
Education/Academic qualification
Bachelor, (English, First-class Honour) , Chinese University of Hong Kong
Master, Master of Philosophy (English Literary Studies) , Chinese University of Hong Kong
Master, Master of Social Sciences (Corporate Communications) , Chinese University of Hong Kong
Master, Master of Education (Language Across the Curriculum) , The University of Hong Kong
Doctorate, Doctoral Candidate (EdD) (Doctor of Education) (English Language Education) , The University of Hong Kong
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Deploying Comics for Fostering Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) [Funding captured: HK$23,700]
Siu, P. (CoI) & Sun, N. Y. V. (PI)
1/08/24 → 28/02/26
Project: Research
Supporting Students’ Academic Discourse Development in Sub-degree Programmes: An Adjunct Language-across-the-curriculum Instructional Model | SCOLAR Research and Development Project, Standing Committee on Language Education and Research | HK$800,000
Tong, K. M. E. (PI), Pun, F. K. C. (CoI) & Siu, P. (CoI)
1/02/16 → 31/01/18
Project: Research
e-Portfolio Project for Science sub-degree students (QESS-funded project) in 2011-13
Siu, P. (CoI) & Cheng, M. S. C. (PI)
1/10/11 → 31/12/13
Project: Research
Bridging Harmony and Empowerment with Translanguaging and Affect: Revitalizing human-level intelligence through the Multimodalities-Entextualisation Cycle [Invited Plenary Speaker Presentation for ISFC49, 2024]
Siu, P., 3 Jul 2024, (Accepted/In press).Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper › peer-review
Generative Artificial Intelligence and Sociolinguistics [Invited Colloquium Theme]: Disrupting monoglossic classrooms with the Multimodalities-Entextualization Cycle: Translanguaging and trans-semiotizing in AI-embracing learning and assessment in EMI higher education [Colloquium Panel Paper 4]
Siu, P., 27 Jun 2024.Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper › peer-review
It's More than Just A-Z: Co-engaging tertiary students in Digital Storytelling through the Multimodalities-Entextualisation Cycle
Siu, P., 17 Jun 2024, (Accepted/In press).Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper › peer-review
Mobilising students’ collaborative dialogues in public relations through a digital Gongyeh platform
Siu, P. & Tong, K. M. E., 2024, (In preparation) Professional communication in the digital age. Nervino , E., Feng, W. D. & Xu, X. (eds.).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
Multimodal orchestration for social science–specific meaning – making flow in higher education
Siu, P., Tong, E. K. M. & Xuan, W. W., 8 May 2024, Current Trends in EMI and Multimodality in Higher Education. Beltrán-Palanques, V. & Bernad-Mechó, E. (eds.). New York: Taylor and Francis, p. 48-70 23 p. (Routledge Series in Language and Content Integrated Teaching & Plurilingual Education).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
Scholarship awardee of International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference Scholarship for outstanding paper presentation in 2018
Siu, P. (Recipient), 4 Jun 2018
Prize: Honorary award
Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics (HAAL) Seminar
Siu, P. (Participant)
13 Nov 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participating in a conference, workshop, ...
Public Lecture: Teaching Across Intercultural and Intracultural Differences in Chinese Classrooms in Multilingual Contexts: Challenges, Opportunities, and Ways Forward by Prof Guofang LI
Siu, P. (Participant)
13 Nov 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participating in a conference, workshop, ...
Research Roundtable with Prof Guofang LI (LC Visiting Professor)
Siu, P. (Participant)
12 Nov 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participating in a conference, workshop, ...
The 7th J-CLIL Annual Bilingual Conference
Siu, P. (Participant)
9 Nov 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participating in a conference, workshop, ...
Navigating between aviation safety, corporate identities and destination branding: The interdiscursivity of flight safety videos
Siu, P. (Participant)
15 Oct 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participating in a conference, workshop, ...