Gamification or VR or Both? Examining Antecedents in Encouraging Continuance Pro-environmental Behavior | 2022/23 Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) Research Grants Council (RGC) | HK$644,100

Project Details


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a higher volume of single-use plastic waste is generated from take-away food packaging globally, intensifying global warming. Previous research showed that human behavior is the major underlying cause of global warming and environmental degradation. To deliberately reduce the environmental harms, performing pro-environmental behavior (PEB) is vital. PEB is a voluntary behavior and has been gaining environmental and societal concern. PEB involves even small and everyday sustainability behavior and thus, cultivation of PEB is urgently crucial to achieving a more sustainable future world. Up to date, less work has been done on what constitutes people to engage in voluntary PEB, especially on teenagers. Previous research examined the importance of perceived value as a key driver of an individual’s continuous intention towards a particular behavior. Therefore, this research attempts to understand how teenagers’ perceived values affect the intention to perform PEB. In addition, this research makes an effort to address the “tools or means” that enhance the perceived value of teenagers in order to predict their intentions and continuance intentions towards PEB.

With the development of innovative technology, immersive technology and virtual reality (VR) have become very popular and accessible to the public. In addition, emerging gamification (i.e. gamified apps) encourages individuals, especially teenagers, to engage in a behavior, such as online shopping behavior, learning behavior, and prosocial behavior. Many current studies showed that the use of immersive technology and gamification would positively predict individuals’ intention towards a behavior.

Following this line of thought, the present study aims to examine the relationship between teenagers’ perceived values and pro-environmental behavioral intention using three experimental studies so as to fill in the research gap. Study 1 examines whether gamification affects the perceived importance of PEB and PEB intention towards pro-environmental behavior. Study 2 examines the relationship among teenagers’ perceived values, beliefs and norms towards performing PEB with the effect of immersive virtual reality (VR). Study 3 examines the effects of gamification and VR on (1) teenagers’ intention towards PEB, (2) habit and (3) continuation intention of PEB using longitudinal approach (T1 and T2).

The findings of the study will contribute to both theoretical and practical contributions. First, the findings will contribute to pro-environmentalism and sustainability literature by examining the use of gamification and immersive technology in engaging teenagers’ PEB. Second, the present study helps government-related bodies to identify significant antecedents of continuation intention towards pro-environmental behavior, in turn, policymakers can design a better marketing strategy to promote green, pro-environmental and sustainable behavior. Finally, the findings will help schools design appropriate games and activities to encourage continuance PEB intention and pro-environmental behavior of teenagers.
Effective start/end date1/01/2331/12/24


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