"Unfinished Project", deTour 2024

Hoi-wood Howard Chang (Other), Hong Ting Li (Other), Chi-tat Tang (Other)

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


A living person is always in a state of becoming; we have the power to choose our future and decide what kind of person we want to be. Yet, regardless of the path we choose, we rely on external objects to help us achieve our goals.

Interestingly, tools themselves are also in an unfinished state. A pen, for instance, only exists as a pen when it is used to write; without that action, it is merely an object. This reveals how the unfinishedness of individuals and objects is intricately connected.

This exhibition seeks to explore the mutual influence between humans and objects. Things can shape our identities, and in turn, we can shape the things around us. Passive users often become standard users, conforming to the limitations of the objects they use. In contrast, active users are creators; they reshape objects, integrating them into their identities and, through their engagement, express their true selves.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 29 Nov 2024
EventdeTour 2024 Design Festival - PMQ, Hong Kong
Duration: 29 Nov 202415 Dec 2024


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