University teachers' and students' perceptions on embracing GenAI and designing mechanisms on safeguarding academic integrity in the scope of adjusting university coursework assessments and classroom teaching pedagogy

Sumie Chan, Noble Lo

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Given the accelerated rate of access and adaptation surrounding AI chatbots in academic institutions, the primary aim of this study was to critically analyse the student and lecturer perceptions regarding the use of AI applications in Hong Kong university settings to forecast specific challenges and potential opportunities in designing and implementing a fair and inclusive institutional policy. Through a critical review of emergent literature related to AI applications and chatbots and an in-depth analysis of empirical evidence captured from Hong Kong university insiders, the following core research objectives have been achieved:

• To evaluate the potential role and effects of AI-powered chatbots and resources on academic integrity in university settings.

• To model the potential benefits and consequences of an AI-enabled university education system.

• To compare the perceptions of lecturers and students regarding the impact and implications of AI chatbot applications in Hong Kong universities.

• To recommend guidelines and policies for university systems to navigate the complexity of AI resources and chatbot effects on student academic integrity.

Research Questions

By focusing on a novel field of study regarding high-profile chatbots like ChatGPT, Poe, and QuillBot, this study has evaluated the tension between technological empowerment and academic integrity at both the student and institutional levels. Accordingly, there are several questions that were answered over the course of this study:

1. What are the possible advantages of AI chatbots for students, potential limitations or consequences?

2. What are the institutional consequences when considering the effects of AI chatbots on the definition of academic integrity?

3. Is there leniency or openness to chatbot applications in university settings, or should a zero-tolerance policy be enforced?

4. How can university administrators navigate chatbot discussions and motivate students towards productive standards of academic integrity?
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 31 May 2024
EventNo Fate: The Future is Not Set - Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China
Duration: 31 May 20242 Jun 2024


ConferenceNo Fate: The Future is Not Set
Internet address


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